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Catching Our Breath on Wednesday-New Machine Tool Sales, Promos, Products & Sales!


We sold an ACER 1054-II Bed Mill
New ACER BED MILL 1054-II with Tool Changer

Our Wooster medical manufacturer's NEW ACER 1054-II was placed on the floor on Tuesday, May 2nd.

As always we make the installation easy with our knowledge of how this goes (we do a lot). This machine will greatly enhance their ability to produce products for their customers!

Now side by side these machines will double capacity!

Two ATM-1054-II next to each other.
See the two ATM-1054-II next to each other

The ACER 1054-II is a 12 tool ATC carousal type tool changer. Make the Bed Mill yours with added or subtracted options, or special package pricing. These CNC machines are powerful.

NEXT: We have an offer for those looking for an #ironworker ,a great deal from a #jetequipment company: #EDWARDS. Until June 30th purchase one of the ironworkers included in this promo and CHOOSE: a notching or Brake station for FREE. PLUS: receive an Ultimate Productivity Pack at NO CHARGE. If you are in the market for an #ironworker. Take a look at Edwards. Promo Code: EDUIW23

Edwards Ironworker promo until June 30, 2023

more G&L work as we can troubleshoot them
Trent works on a G & L

SERVICE this week so far:

More G & L work at one of our other customers in New London, OH. Troubleshooting is a skill-set that many companies claim they do but it takes a real skill to perform the right tests to find the issues.

Making the indications for the rebuild
Bridgeport Rebuild


Rebuilding Bridgeports for future sales. We have one in our service center. If you are wanting a #BRIDGEPORT We rebuild them and have two in process now.

And it is just the middle of the week!

We love to stay busy and we love to offer our customers so many options:

Rebuild, Repair, Replace: #machinetoolsales #acu_ritescales #glrepairs. With all our services, products & machine tools, we offer our expertise in this industry to help you find the right solution. We are currently working on providing a #heidenhainsystem for a #machinetoolbuilder and there will lots more to come. This is an extensive project due to the #doublesystems they are using. We love a challenge!

Get 10% off an ACU-RITEĀ® full system.

Finally one more #promotion to offer you: Get 10% off of an #ACURITEĀ® complete system (DRO203 or DRO300) That's a real savings. If you don't have a digital readout system on your #manualmachinetools, you should. They make a huge up tick in your productivity.

And the week is only 1/2 over. Stay tuned for what else we are offering, doing and working on. We are your full service and product company for manufacturing. We sell machine tools too.

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From our world-class machine tool rebuilding to our many, machine tools, industrial equipment & product lines, we have the expertise to guide our customers through any project they have in mind. Our Prices are Unbeatable

Better Business Bureau A+ rating
  • German-style Machine Tool Rebuilds

  •  Installations, Leveling, & Alignments

  • Troubleshooting, Mechanical, Hydraulics 

  • Millpwr G2, Readout Installations.

1529 Cottage Street, Ashland, OH 44805


Located right between Cleveland & Columbus right off I-71. 

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