We are open for business and have discounts on virtually all our products. With IMTS around the corner, we are celebrating with discounts for everyone.
Most every product we sell will have a special attached to its purchase.
Every product we sell has the same high quality & performance that our #machinetool rebuilds have. We sell #CNCmachines, #manualmachinetools as well as #Heidenhain, #ACU_RITE products, making us your one stop shop for all your manufacturing firm will need. We have served #manufacturing for over 30 years and still going strong.

Our ACU_RITE digital readout system sale makes getting into a #digitalreadoutsystem easy and affordable. Our sale includes only the full system and mention the sale to get 10% off of the complete system!
This sale is for a limited time; don't miss out.

#ACERMACHINE is running an #IMTSsale with almost every #manualmachinetool on sale. They also are running a great sale on their #CNCMachineTools. ACER is one of our oldest distributorships and we are here to help. The #millingmachines, #millpwrG2machines, #lathes, #grinders and #machiningcenters are all on sale.
Check out the listing on the #ACER page at: ACER MACHINE | rossimachinery (rmscnc.com)
We have you covered.

Pictured Right: The 5VK E-Mill with an ACU-RITE® display. Since we distribute most every accessory or #machinetoolattachment, we make putting together a machine tool that works for you.

If a new #machinetool is not in this year's budget but your mill needs to perform better, often replacing the #millinghead, is just enough to make the machine perform better! ACER continues their sale of the very popular E-Head™ $4,250.00 for the 3HP R-8 spindle E-Head. Our technicians can walk you through how to install it and how it works. Just call!
Our many years of our German-style of rebuilding machine tools provides you a better, more educated purchase. We are here to educate you and provide you the right #cncmachine, #manualmachinetool or #machinetoolaccessory that you need. From machine tools to accessories, measuring systems to #Vikingdrills and more, we sell it all.
Our sales paired with our in-house #machinetoolrebuilding we provide your company with everything you need to increase your productivity and get a great return on your investment. Pictured below is our #ParkerMajestic #grinders that were rebuilt for an international company. Both large and small companies are all part of our customer base.

This sale is for a limited time; so, don't miss out.ut.t..or high quality & performance that our #machinetool rebuilding does. Your satisfaction iso