It's beginning to look like ACER Machine Tools. You ask what we have been doing? Selling and Installing ACER Machines.
Located in Sebring, OH, the ACER 1760G gear-head lathe is prepared to begin manufacturing with the renowned quality and precision that ACER is recognized for, all at an affordable price. Priced below 24K for the base machine, this lathe is designed to deliver reliable performance for many years to come.

ACER makes great milling machines for every application. This 3VS-II mill has a 9" x 49" table and comes 230V, offering better milling technology with ACER's
E-Head that takes milling to another level.
Knox County Career Center, #knoxcountycareercenter, has long had the right idea when teaching the machining trade, #machiningtrades by starting with the basics.
By adding #acuritedigitalreadouts, this school is gets the student's minds working with measuring and feedback, programs installed and by doing so they get the basics to move toward CNC learning.

Delivered to the Rossi Machinery Services, Inc. where we installed the ACU-RITE digital readout systems to the machines.
ACU-RITE® simply is the very best digital readout system out there for offering the highest precision, durability in measuring with their #glassscales. ACU-RITE® products last for years and years. Whether your are a #careercenter, #school #tradeschool, #communitycollege or #highschool that teaches machining,
ACU-RITE is what you want.

Installing the digital readouts at the Rossi Machinery Services' center allows Mike Rossi to do the "once over" your machine, install the #acuritedigitalreadouts and test them.
Part of your sales experience includes much more that making that sale; we offer our full support and service, even if there is a problem. That sets us apart from other dealers, #machinerysales #machinetools
We look for relationships with our customers. We want to continue to provide all your #industrialequipment and #machinetools, #machinetoolaccessories and #digitalreadoutsystems, #controls and more.

In addition to the two ACER 3VS-II milling machines with ACU-RITE digital readout system, Knox County Career Center also purchased the ACER 1340G, a #gearheadlathe for the #machininglabequipment. At Knox County Career Center, Joe LaFevre, the machining instructor program director knows how to produce the next generation of machinists.
Eventually, Joe will introduce the CNC portion of his program and when he does, his students will be way ahead of other students because they understand #manualmachining, #digitalreadouts, and all that the trades use to teach.
We need a new generation of talent and we salute #Joelafevre and #knoxcountycareercenter for teaching the basic building blocks of machining, and working their students into the CNC world.
Happy to have all these ACER machine sales doesn't minimize the time that we spend installing, leveling, hooking up the power and testing it for you. We do not rush, we want you to be just another of our returning customers - and we have a lot!.

What sets us apart from other #machinesalescompanies? Our dedication to excellence in all we do.
From a simple #acuritedigitalreadoutsysteminstallation, to the ACU-RITE® Millpwr G2, #millpwrg2sales -to Bed Mill sales, Fryer Machine Solutions, #fryermachinesales
We make every sale easy and informative, so that you can choose the options that you want. Need a base machine? That's okay too. Not everyone needs all the bells and whistles. But if you do need options, rest assured that Mike Rossi has the expertise and knowledge to help you find your best options.
Call us for more information.