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Introducing more options for your shop!

As we continue to find affordable, quality machine tools for your shops' needs, we are now expanding again our machine tool offerings. At Rossi Machinery Services we give our customers plenty of options. We provide machine tool accessories and products.

It is important to us that you look at every possible solution for your machine replacements, machine tool accessories and products.

Since legacy machine tools are getting harder to repair or rebuild due to the supply chain issues, lack of parts, and machine tool builders closing their doors, we think this gives our customers an opportunity to select a new machine tool that best fits their applications!

Price point is also important. We work with quality machine tool companies that have succeeded in providing the quality, performance and part finishes that you need while keeping their prices down. We like that.

Introducing the LeBlond line of mills, band saws and drill presses. Also entering our product holdings is the K.O. Lee precision surface grinders, and the K.O. Lee universal tool and cutter grinders.

LeBlond and K.O. Lee have a long history of the quality, performances, and longevity. We like that. When we sell a machine we want to know that it will be around for service years down the road.

LeBlond dates back to 1887 and its reputation for excellence is well-known.

Working with LeBlond has been a great fit for Rossi Machinery because we know that we can stand behind the LeBlond name!

Did you know that we rebuild so many very old LeBlond lathes? They have great bones for rebuilding. Keeping with this quality, K.O. Lee and LeBlond are excellent machines to quote. Our product lines are hand selected by Mike Rossi.

Mike's goal is for you to be a happy and repeat customer like the many other companies that work with Rossi Machinery Services.

Visit us at to see the complete machine tool lines and other valuable product lines that will pay off and increase your competitive edge. 866-622-4488

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