Jet Tools' New 45 Ton Ironworker is here. Built in the USA this 45 Ton Ironworker has the following features 4 workstations that offer : Punch, Flat Bar Shear, Angle Sheer & Rod Shear.
It operates on 115V power
E-stop with UL Listed compliant controls.
Comes with the convenient foot control that has a handle for easy transfer between work stations.
ANSI Compliant Guarding on the Angle & Rod Shears.
Includes a Punch & Die Storage Tray able to hold up to 10 Punch & Die Sets.
Compatible with most Edwards Punch & Die Sets.
ID#756100 Sells For $6499.00* plus shipping. We offer free shipping over $2500.00 with delivery to our facility. Ask us.
Max Punch Capacity (in) 1 diam. in 1/2 mild steel.
Flat Bar Shear Max Capacity (in) 1/4 x 8 3/8 x 6
Angle Shear Max. Capacity (in.) 3 x3 x1/4
Rod Shear Sizes (in.) 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4
Rod Shear Max Capacity Square (in.) 3/4
Rod Shear Max. Capacity Round (in.) 5/8
Motor: HP 1.5
Product dimensions (in.) 40 x 24 x 58 Shipping dimensions (in.): 51 x 45 x 64
Product Weight (lbs.) 698 Shipping Weight (lbs.): 802
It comes with Optional Accessories Too.
This New Ironworker from JET is just one of the Ironworkers that we sell! In a future DEEP DIVE we will begin to look at the EDWARDS many different Ironworkers that they have to offer.
Edwards offers 40 Ton, 50 Ton, 55 Ton, 60 Ton, 65 Ton, 100 Ton, & 120 Ton Ironworkers. Too many to blog about here. And each of these has just plenty of specifications & optional equipment & accessories.
If you are interested in the comparisons, of this JET to an EDWARDS Ironworker, give us a call : Toll Free: 866-622-4488 or Local: 419-281-4488 ext. 102. And Mike Rossi will show you the comparisons on each of these great Ironworkers - All Made in the USA. E-Mail: