We thought that we would have a little Tuesday Fun: looking at customers that purchased 2 machines, getting the best deals on two machines!
Whether you are looking strictly for machine tools, and ACER E-Mill™ or an ACER lathe #lathesold, we can handle your request.
Quoted as a "Two Machine" sale, this customer purchased the mill and lathe from us.
Located in Michigan, this valued customer is in the Energy renewal industry as a start-up. We found this project so very interesting. To learn their newest ideas, processes and plans for the future. This is one of the best parts about what we do.

We get to work with so many manufacturing companies in so many sectors. From the start-up in Michigan to the Mount Vernon, Ohio customer who builds #gymequipment these two manufacturing firms could not be more different, and yet they needed some of the same equipment, such as the ACER E-Mill™ which is a great work horse for any shop.
This start-up also needed a saw, welding equipment, and other miscellaneous equipment and because we now offer more than just machine tools with our JET family of companies, #machinetoolsales, we were able to provide them with everything that they needed: we were a one-stop-shop for setting up their shop.

There's nothing like a repeat customer. That is probably the highest compliment to paid to us.
We know that we have served you well when you are a returning customer!
We have several repeating customers , but we wanted to focus on this #medicalmanufacturing company in Wooster, Ohio. It has been a great pleasure working with the professionals in this firm, and to add their second ACER Bed Mill to their production line. This ACER Bed Mill has been a favorite of customers and we know why. It comes with the powerful Fagor Control, and the powerful E-Head to make machining a breeze. It was special to set the new Bed Mill next to the first one. They will be twice as productive with these two bed mills working.

Getting into the "2 for Tuesday" blog is this Smithville, Ohio customer who needed a lathe and a bed mill.
Working within their budget and discussing their specific manufacturing applications, we quoted them the ACER 1340G, gear-head lathe and they also purchased the ACER Bed Mill w/ the Fagor Control. Naturally their shop is different from these other types of manufacturing.
Getting to see all the creative, productive, and new manufacturing firms, is what makes us happy that we are part of this manufacturing industry.
It's personal to us and to our customers that they get the right machine, equipment, accessory or measuring system.

From the HEIDENHAIN order that was 2 systems for this Cleveland, Ohio company's project, to machine tools.
Two for Tuesday is a good rewind to all the companies that needed 2 machines, equipment, or Heidenhain systems.
Whether you need two of something or just ONE, we are glad & looking forward to working with you. What manufacturing do you do? Feel free to share with us!