With their long and reputable history in measuring/feedback, ACU-RITE® continues to keep pace with the industry advances. Today we take a deep dive into the ACU-RITE SYSTEM DRO 100.
This system prides itself as the most cost-effective, entry-level digital readout system that incorporates the 7-inch color display technology and offers basic features. We recommend this system for the hobbyist or any machining process that does not require a lot of features. Priced for the entry level, the DRO 100 features: dynamic zoom, day/night switching and has the most common of features such as:
Feed rate display
Multiple language support
Help function
Zero reset
Instant inch/mm conversion
Instant radius/diameter conversion.
Axis error: Linear 1 segment.
Position-Trac™ Home Reference System.
MILLING: Bolt-hole pattern calculations with graphics (full and partial circles/linear patterns.) Centerline Calculation establish workpiece zero and midpoints.
TURNING: Lock Axis Feature: establish tool offsets with the tool under load, resulting in reduced tool deflection. Instant radius/ diameter conversion. Taper calculator. Vectoring.
Starting at $1,771.00 for two Axis system.
ACU-RITE provides two other DRO systems for the industry. The DRO 203 and the DRO300. Both of these systems are excellent candidates for any machine shop. The DRO 203 is our most popular. In our next deep dive, we will take a look at the DRO 203. Pictured below is just some of the display's features.