SUPRA-618-II w/ Standard Accessories.
Under $11,000.00* Plus Shipping. FOB NJ.
This powerful little grinder rates high with us. If you take a closer look at the details on this grinder, you will also be impressed!
Elevating Handwheel at Machine Base.
Ball Rolling Table; Belt Drive.
Auto Lubricator; High Tensile Meehanite Casting.
Cast Iron Base: Double V Turcite-B Crossfeed Way.
Indexable Table Handwheel: Waist-side Downfeed Mechanism.
CE Standard Electric
Working Capacity: 6" x 18".
Standard Accessories:
1 pc. Wheel Balancing Base.
1 pc. Grinding Wheel
1 pc. Table Mount Wheel Dresser.
1 set Toolbox w/Tools.
1 pc. Wheel Balancing Arbor.
1 pc. Wheel Flange
1 pc. Halogen Work Light.
1 pc. Table Mount Splash Guard.
Optional Available Accessories:
Optional Accessories: Magnetic Chuck -various types.
Parallel Dresser (overhead manual)
Coolant Systems -various types.
Extra Wheel Flange.
Newall 2 - Axis DRO (8" x 18" travel, 0.0001" resolution.
Magnescale 2 -Axis DRO (8" x 18" travel, 0.00002: resolution.
Micro Downfeed System.
This machine is under $11,000.00. Order today. Compare the next Featured Grinder:
SUPRA-618AH-II w/Standard Accessories: (2-Axis Auto Movement) Under $17,500.00* Plus shipping. FOB NJ.

Working Capacity: 6" x 18"
Automatic Hydraulic Table Feed on X-Axis & Motorized Y- Axis.
High Tensile Meehanite Cast Iron Base.
Double V Railings and Turcite B coated on the Crossfeed.
Indexable Table Handwheel; Downfeed Handwheel at Machine Base.
Auto Lubrication Pump.
CE Standard Electrical Components.
Standard Accessories:
1 pc. Wheel Balancing Base.
1 pc. Grinding Wheel
1 pc. Table Mount Wheel Dresser.
1 pc. Toolbox w/ Tools.
1 pc. Wheel Balancing Arbor.
1 pc. Wheel Flange
1 pc. Halogen Work Light.
1 pc. Table Mount Splash Guard.
Optional Accessories:
Various Chuck types
Parallel Dresser (Overhead Manual)
Coolant system options.
Extra Wheel Flange
DRO Newall 2-axis: 8" x 18" travel. 0.0001" resolution.
DRO Magnescale 2 -axis: 8" x 18" travel, 0.00002" resolution.
Installation. for DRO
Micro Downfeed System (Special Order and Factory Installed.
ACER provides a great solution for legacy machine replacement. These grinders are a sampling of their offerings. Larger grinders are available. Need a mill or lathe? ACER has a full line of mills and lathes: (variable speed and gearhead lathes)